Post publishing and moments of panic.

So, after doing some little personalization (basically some pruning and setting up the About me section) it’s time to make history.
Git add, commit, push and now we wait for the deploy actions to do their job.
After letting out my cat I notice that the Actions are all green!
YES, success!
I rush to click on the link in the README and 404, page not found :(
Panic ensures. What did I do wrong?
Is it a browser caching problem? CTRL+shift+R, nope :/
Is it because the repository was originally private?
Searching mechanism settles in and I stumple upon a Github Community post with a similar problem, hopefully someone else had found a simple solution.
Someone advices to choose a Jekyll theme however I do not have a selector like in their screenshot I only have the Source brench dropdown available and with the gh-pages branch selected.
Let’s check what that branch contains, looks like a processed static website, at least the website build Action is working.
I’mma try changing the branch and then changing it back: the good, old, shut down and restart.
Kinda happy that this worked however the prespective of doing this everytime is daunting.

So, what now?

This is kind of the first time blogging so, to tranquilize myself, I’ll expose a kind of roadmap of topics that will be written about.
I really enjoy studying data analysis, both the theoretical part and the practical component.
So my “serious” posts will start with an introduction of the concepts of data analysis. I cannot assure how many personal posts I will publish before the first technical one but I hope not many.
I have no expectencies about who will read this blog so I will try to start from some pretty basic concepts of statistics and machine learning.
This will be a pretty useful experience also to review my knowledge before the start of the next academic year.